
eLearning - A guided tour of what's possible

Jan 05 2019

I'm often walking clients and prospects thought the best of our work to show them what is possible and what we and our clients have been able to achieve.

If you'd like to see how we managed to get 1.6 Million Learners then I'm happy to share my secrets with you.

I will never Use VLOOKUP again - Something better came along

May 24 2017


If you're like me and had to merge spreadhseets of club members, with training records or any other for of matching records you've probably laboured away with VLOOKUP in Microsoft Excel, only to find that its a fickle beast.


Well, I've found a solution, its a bit harder but way better that VLOOKUP and gives you rock solid matches on multiple columns.

Read on, your life will never be the same.

SCORM: Short-term solution - long term nightmare?

May 23 2017

Many Student Management Systems and even some Content Management Systems like WordPress can now launch SCORM courses. Whilst it’s seductive to think that you can just ditch your LMS and launch SCORM courses, there’s still a lot to consider.


Don’t get me wrong. When it comes to SCORM I’m a fan, but it’s about the right tool for the right job.

Janison CLS content templates and WCAG Standards

Mar 09 2017

Not enough is made of the WCAG features of the Janison CLS, and sure some of the responibilities for WCAG compliance is that of the authors but the CLS is one of the very few that is capable of meeting WCAG AA compliance out of the box.

But that is for another Blog :) 

This blog is about list the content templates and what level of WCAG they can comply with if people put in the effort.

Digital Learning - Christmas reading list

Dec 13 2016

Merry Christmas to all of our customers, suppliers and friends.

As the year draws to a close, and since I can't send presents to you all, I thought I'd put together a bit of a Christmas reading list to keep you all amused when the family gets too much :)

Our top tips for great digital learning design

Dec 09 2016

It’s easy to get distracted by the content when designing a new digital learning experience. However, force feeding content slabs will just induce your learners to sleep not study. Digital learning needs to be visually engaging and stimulating. But that costs I hear you say. Well – not necessarily.

Sports Administration jobs set to grow!

Dec 08 2016

A recent report from a leading industry research company flags that sports administration jobs are set to grow.


Nathan Cloutman, from IBISWorld: “Sports Administrative Services will be another growth area (with revenue growing at an annualised 4.3% over the next five years), and while not nearly as glamorous as the professional sports star dream some school leavers may have, it’s a more secure career path for most. The expansion activities of major sports leagues in Australia are driving further participation at the local level, boosting industry revenue generated through competition fees.”

Is your learning & accreditation tech going to support you for the long haul?

Nov 24 2016

What does it take to store 98 Million responses to an exam?

It takes a huge infrastructure, carefully thought out design and then hosted on a scalabale platform that can grow as you grow. There are not many learning systems that could handle that much data and still perform OK when you query it and ask questions like "What topic do people have the most problems with.

Is eLearning worth the investment?

Nov 01 2016

eLearning is about economies of scale. If you can;t attract a substantial number of enrolments to your courses then it is very hard to justify to the board room why they should make this investment.

See how two of clients have been able to generate substational ROI on their eLearning investment.

Single Server Sign On (SSO) - Part 1

Mar 28 2015

In this article we look at how an organisation can start to unify some of their IT systems and reduce the number of times a person’s identity is stored within the organisation. The most popular execution of this is Single Sign On (SSO).

Naming conventions

Oct 18 2014

Keeping everything organised while you're developing your online course can become problematic as you often end up with hundreds of files, pages and resources for each course.

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