Greg McLoughlin-WildenIs VR worth it in eLearning

<p>This blog summarises a 2 day hackathon with of one of Canopi’s best clients to , the Royal Life Saving Society, NSW Branch to gain an understanding of what VR can do.</p>

<p><strong>Canopi objectives (Developer)</strong><br />
To understand the 'economics' of creating virtual reality content including:</p>

<li>•    What planning is required?</li>
<li>•    What equipment is needed, it's capabilities and outputs?</li>
<li>•    What skills are needed?</li>

<p>To bring the client on the journey so they could consider how they might use the technology. <br />
It was also a great opportunity for Canopi staff to get together and have some fun!<br />
Why this client? Royal Life Saving NSW staff and learners operate in visually rich and technically challenging environment - sun, water, noise. It's also difficult to provide realistic situations for training purposes where learners can apply their knowledge, or see what things are like in the real world. RLS believe VR could be beneficial for training outcomes.<br />


Greg McLoughlin-Wildencreated the topic: Janison Enrolment imports

This Forum article is about the power and limitations of the Janison Enrolment import tool


Greg McLoughlin-Wildencreated the topic: Configure LTi for Janison and Moodle

In this post we'll look at how to configure the Janison LMS to share content via LTi with a Moodle system. Below is an Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for setting up the two sites.


Greg McLoughlin-Wildencreated the topic: ADD a SCORM Course to Moodle

This is the procedure and some recommended settings for adding a SCORM Course to Moodle


Greg McLoughlin-Wildencreated the topic: Setting up Google Tag Manager on Janison CLS

If you want to make the most of your learning data then Google Analytics provides a great solution and is now full supported by the Janison CLS


Greg McLoughlin-Wildencreated the topic: Create an Animated Banner image using DnnGo.LayerGallery

We all want to have a nice looking animated banner on our home page. Well DnnGO.LayerGAllery is a great tool, but I always had issues getting the anim...


Greg McLoughlin-Wildencreated the topic: Janison CLS: Exporting Exam test questions Hack

So we've all wanted to dump last years questions out of our LMS and then have them in a spreadsheet so that we can review them for next. Sadly many LMS's just don't have a 'Export now' function, especially if they are high stakes exam. So here is a hack to get the Janison CLS test questions and distractors into a spreadsheet.


Greg McLoughlin-Wildencreated the topic: DNN stop users names from showing in search bar

How to allow or stop the users from appearing the in the DNN search results


Greg McLoughlin-Wildencreated the topic: Add a Interaction Check box

Have you ever wanted to get a user confirm they have done something like viewed a policy, and then complete their learning page. Well here you go


Greg McLoughlin-WildenI will never Use VLOOKUP again - Something better came along

<p><img alt="" src="/Portals/0/SourceDataSmall.jpg" style="width: 320px; height: 180px; float: right;" title="" />If you're like me and had to merge spreadhseets of club members, with training records or any other for of matching records you've probably laboured away with VLOOKUP in Microsoft Excel, only to find that its a fickle beast.</p>

<p>Well, I've found a solution, its a bit harder but way better that VLOOKUP and gives you rock solid matches on multiple columns.</p>

<p>Read on, your life will never be the same.</p>


Greg McLoughlin-WildenSCORM: Short-term solution - long term nightmare?

<p>Many Student Management Systems and even some Content Management Systems like WordPress can now launch SCORM courses. Whilst it’s seductive to think that you can just ditch your LMS and launch SCORM courses, there’s still a lot to consider.</p>


Greg McLoughlin-Wildencreated the topic: Cool Post it Notes

If you'd like to add a cool post Note to your online course pages then here is one cool way to do it


Greg McLoughlin-Wildencreated the topic: Create a New Portal

DFNN installations can have more than one portal with a different Skin, settings and users. This makes DNN a multi-tennanted system out of the box


Greg McLoughlin-Wildencreated the topic: Add A new User

This guide take syou through the process to create a new user in DNN


Greg McLoughlin-Wildencreated the topic: How does DotNetNuke work

In this post I'll go over a few of the basic concepts of DNN like Portal, User settings, Skins and Modules


Greg McLoughlin-Wildencreated the topic: DotNetNuke and the Janison CLS

DotNetNuke is a full featured Content Management System (Website builder) that allows customers to have an editable website on the Internet. Our Canop...


Greg McLoughlin-WildenJanison CLS content templates and WCAG Standards

<p>Much should be made of WCAG standards and the Janison CLS. Sadly not enough is made of what the system is capable of, and indeed what is the authors responsibility vs the platforms. That is for another Blog :)</p>


Greg McLoughlin-WildenOur top tips for great digital learning design

It’s easy to get distracted by the content when designing a new digital learning experience. However, force feeding content slabs will just induce your learners to sleep not study. Digital learning needs to be visually engaging and stimulating. But that costs I hear you say. Well – not necessarily.


Greg McLoughlin-WildenHotspot tutorial

Tutorial article for hotspots



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